
Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine – Kiama GPs at Kiama Downs Medical Practice

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccine is now free at our practice for all children when they turn 12 months old and will be free until the end of 2018 for all teens aged 15 to 19 years old. Although this disease is rare it can cause meningitis and substantial harm to children and adults. The vaccine reduces the risk of these conditions by up to 80% to 85%.

For children over 12 months old or outside the age range above, we have a supply of private vaccine for kids or adults who would like to consider it.

  • Current national guidelines recommend this vaccine for all
    • Children under 2 years old
    • Teens from 15 to 19 years old
    • Adults 20 to 24 years living in close quarters (in example military recruits, students in residential accommodation) or who smoke

To have this vaccine arranged, please contact the practice on (02) 4237 7502 to check stock. For patients of the practice, all vaccine appointments are bulk billed when booked over the phone.

Please see the video below for more information

For more research and information please click here for the NSW Health Department’s fact sheet.