We are very happy to announce the return of local Kiama GP Dr Fiona Manning as well as three new GPs to the Kiama area this month with Dr Juliana Micheles, Dr Emma Foley and Dr Maree Howard. We hope that this huge boost of GPs in the area will help slash waiting times for…

Covid Positive Info, Covid Contact Info, Covid Testing Info
Welcome to our Covid page about Covid Positive Info, Covid Contact Info and Covid Testing Info in Kiama. If you want to book Covid Vaccines or learn all about them please click here instead. Covid 19 Information Where to test? Do I need a test? I have Covid, what now? I’m a Covid contact, what…

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine – Kiama GPs at Kiama Downs Medical Practice
The Meningococcal ACWY vaccine is now free at our practice for all children when they turn 12 months old and will be free until the end of 2018 for all teens aged 15 to 19 years old. Although this disease is rare it can cause meningitis and substantial harm to children and adults. The vaccine…

Statin medications: their risks and benefits
Statin Medications are a common medication that is prescribed in general practice. A frequent question that patients ask about in general practice is about the safety of cholesterol medications, specifically a type of medications called statin medications. After the Catalyst program aired in 2013, many patients stopped these medications out of concerns for their side effects…